FEBS Youth Travel Funds
The organizers have the possibility of awarding young scientists (Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows within five years of obtaining a Ph.D.) with FEBS Youth Travel Fund (YTF) grants to support their participation in the Workshop. The YTF grants support travel, registration, as well as accommodation and all meals.
Eligibility criteria:
Applicants for YTF grants
should be not older than 35 years
should be or have been, a student at an institution of higher learning in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent or Associated Society
must be a member of a national FEBS Constituent Society
must be a Ph.D. student/postdoctoral fellow within five years of his/her Ph.D.
must not have received a YTF grant to attend a Course in the current year
Awards will only be made to young scientists traveling from their current country of residence or work to another country.
The organizers require a Letter of recommendation from the supervisor as well as abstracts from applicants for YTF Grants.
Six YTF grants are available.
The final YTF Application Forms will be forwarded to the selected recipients.
Deadline for Abstract and Application submission is March 1, 2017 !!!
Send your application by email to vanhoutenb@upmc.edu
For US students and post-docs
NIEHS has approved an R13 grant to the organizers to help support young scientists to travel to FEBS Workshop in Smolenice. This is in addtion to FEBS Youth Travel Funds.
Applicants from US , please, email Dr. Bennett Van Houten about travel support
email: vanhoutenb@upmc.edu
Mailing address: Hillman Cancer Center
UPCI Research Pavilion, Suite 2.6
5117 Centre Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 - 1863