FEBS Workshop


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Sunday, June 9, 2013
09.30-10.45Bratislava-Smolenice, bus transportation
 Displaying the Posters
14.45-15.00Opening Ceremony
Welcoming remarks from FEBS representative
Prof. Ivana Kuta Smatanova
Organizational remarks

Session 1:

Interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair and Fanconi anemia (FA) (1)

Session chair:Peter McHugh
15.00-15.40J. Walter (USA): Mechanisms of replication-coupled DNA repair (Talk 1, Keynote)
15.40-16.10M Seidman (USA): Single molecule analysis of the encounter of replication forks with DNA interstrand crosslinks (Talk 2)
16.10-16.40A. Smogorzewska (USA): Role of FANCP/SLX4 and the associated nucleases in ICL repair and Holliday junction resolution (Talk 3)
16.40-17.00Coffee break
17.00-17.30H. Walden (USA): Regulation of FANCD2 monoubiquitination by a FANCL-ubiquitin interaction proteins (Talk 4, EMBO Young Investigator Lecture)
17.30-19.00Poster presentation: speed talks
21.00Welcome reception
Monday, June 10, 2013

Session 2:

Nucleotide excision repair (1)

Sesion chair:Ben Van Houten
09.00-09.40J.-M. Egly (France): From NER to transcription and back (Talk 5, Keynote)
09.40-10.10O. Schärer (USA): Regulation of nuclease activity in human DNA repair pathways: from mechanisms to the molecular basis of inherited human disorders (Talk 6)
10.10-10.40C. Kisker (Germany): XPD activity during NER and transcription: Fundamentally different molecular requirements for each task (Talk 7)
10.40-11.00Coffee break
11.00-11.30H. Naegeli: (Switzerland): In and out of chromatin: Dynamic orchestration of global nucleotide excision repair activity by UV-DDB (Talk 8)
11.30-12.00W. Vermeulen: (The Netherlands): Regulation of transcription-coupled DNA repair (Talk 9)
13.00-14.15“Career development” breakout session
Convenor: Ben Van Houten

Session 3:

Interstrand crosslink repair and Fanconi anemia (2)

Session chair:Miroslav Chovanec
14.30-15.00P. Knipscheer (The Netherlands): Dissecting the mechanism of incisions in DNA interstrand crosslink repair (Talk 10)
15.00-15.30P. McHugh (UK): Mechanistic studies of human SNM1A and towards its inhibition by small molecules (Talk 11)
15.30-16.00L. Li (USA): Genetic analysis of Fanconi anemia genes (Talk 12)
16.00-16.30Coffee break
16.30-17.00P.-H. Gaillard (France): Interplay between SLX4, ubiquitin and SUMO (Talk 13)
17.00-17.30KJ Patel (UK): Toxic metabolism and DNA repair and haematopoesis (Talk 14)
Short Talks
17.30-17.45M. Cohn (UK): Structural insight into the function of human Fanconi Anemia FANCD2/FANCI complex (Short talk 1)
17.45-18.00O. Murina (Switzerland): CtIP associates with FANCD2 to promote faithful recombinational repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks (Short talk 2)
21.00-23.00Poster Session
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
09.00-16.00Free day
 1. Záruby – Devil’s Glen, Occasional waterfall, Hlboča Valley, Molpir (Celtic settlement, 6th century BC)
2. Majolika Modra, Driny cave

Session 4:

Nucleotide excision repair (2)

Session chair:Caroline Kisker
16.00-16.30M. Spies (USA): Single-molecule studies of FeS-containing DNA helicases: kinetics, conformational dynamics and molecular mechanism (Talk 15)
16.30-17.00N. Savery (UK): Coupling transcription to NER through molecular motors (Talk 16)
17.00-17.30S. Reed (UK): How yeast global genome nucleotide excision repair is organized and orchestrated throughout the genome (Talk 17)
Short Talks
17.30-17.45M. Yamada (Czech Republic): Chk1 kinase is required for proper activation of FANCD2 monoubiquitination pathway and its maintenance through inactivation of Aurora A-PLK1 pathway (Short talk 3)
17.45-18.00M. Smeaton (USA): Topoisomerase IIβ is involved in distortion-dependent interstrand cross-link repair in mammalian cells (Short talk 4)
18.00-18.15L. Krejčí (Czech Republic): Nucleases processing protein-DNA crosslinks (Short talk 5)
21:00-23:00Poster Session
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Session 5:

Nucleotide excision repair (3)

Session chair:Miroslav Piršel
09.00-09.30M. Nowotny (Poland): Structural studies of bacterial NER (Talk 18)
09.30-10.00N. Kad (UK): Single molecule insights into the ABCs of nucleotide excision DNA repair (Talk 19)
10.00-10.30B. Van Houten (USA): Molecular insights into UVDDB-DNA interactions using single molecule techniques (Talk 20)
10.30-11.00Coffee break
Short Talks
11.00-11.15J-H. Min (USA): Structure and mechanism of DNA damage search by the Rad4/XPC nucleotide excision repair protein (Short talk 6)
11.15-11.30N. Geacintov (USA): The relationships between XPC binding and excision of structurally diverse lesions in HeLa cell extracts (Short talk 7)
11.30-11.45R. Sobol (USA): Coordinated response of PARP1 and PARG to facilitate DNA repair pathway choice (Short talk 8)
11.45-12.00Mohiuddin (Japan): XPF and MUS81 play overlapping and essential roles in maintaining chromosomal DNA by contributing to HR-mediated DNA repair (Short talk 9)
13.00-14.15“Women in Science” breakout session
Convenor: Caroline Kisker

Session 6:

DNA interstrand crosslink repair and Fanconi anemia (3)

Session chair:Orlando Schärer
14.30-15.00J. Gautier (USA): Replication-independent repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks (Talk 21)
15.00-15.30W. Niedzwiedz (UK): BLM collaborates with TopBP1 in promoting checkpoint activation and replication fork stability (Talk 22)
15.30-16.00Coffee break
16.00-16.30R. Wood: (USA): Dual role for mammalian DNA polymerase zeta in maintaining genome stability and proliferative responses (Talk 23)
16.30-17.00A. Doherty (UK): PrimPol, a eukaryotic primase-polymerase involved in lesion bypass during nuclear and mitochondrial DNA replication (Talk 24)
18.30-19.30Folk dance performance
19.30Farewell dinner
Thursday, June 13, 2013